I’ve read dozens of books on the subject. It should work better.
As a coach I’ve visited thousands of people in their private homes and have admired their extensive law of attraction book collections. My impression from fifteen years of visiting people is that, the more books they have on the subject the less apt they were at it.
One could argue that that’s why they sought to read about it. But my impression is, they preferred reading about it to actually doing it. Applying the law of attraction requires a radical shift in your energy field. This shift does not come about through words. Books for some then become a substitute for actually learning this art. It’s like reading about architecture without actually designing a building. Application, practice, repetition, courage, and experience are the keys.
Reality Creation and Manifestation – Frederick Dodson
I have to agree with this assessment, although for different reasons. My perception is that people use reading about it as a way to postpone or put off doing it. The next book will have an easier way. I don’t understand it well enough, reading a few more books will fill in the gaps. I know I have done this myself. I typically feel as if I don’t have enough knowledge to start. I will read and read and read, looking for that one piece of information that will make it “click.” It is rare that anything actually does. I have also learned that it is difficult even to know what you are looking for without having experience.
You can’t possibly know what you are looking for without experiencing something. So you read ten books on manifestation, and you haven’t managed to manifest anything but a smaller bank account. My guess is you haven’t tried. You went through the motions, but you probably didn’t do what is required. You have conflicting information in those books and aren’t sure what to do or how to do it. The truth is most of those books are BS. They have grains of truth in them, but most of them are designed to sell books or courses, not to get you anywhere. They are oversimplified or overly complicated. They leave out significant steps along the path. Some are just such total BS that you would be better off using them for fuel in the fireplace.
The real truth is, manifestation isn’t hard. Getting clear enough to be able to do it is very hard. Some people get lucky, and it works, maybe once, maybe more than that. I don’t have an explanation for that. The rest of us aren’t as gifted, and we have to work for ours. So stop only reading and start doing. I recommend starting with meditation to learn focus, but it doesn’t matter where you start, just start.