Everything is only a belief.
No, it’s not. Reality is a mixture of the objective, which is Universal absolute, and the subjective which is relative and a matter of belief. How to discern the two is an art one can learn and utilize. Thus certain medicine or drugs work whether you believe in them or not.
You have a third eye behind your forehead whether you believe you do or not. There is an infinite field of energy whether you believe it or not. Your disbelief might cause you to not see those things but that does not mean they don’t exist if you quit believing in them.
Belief goes a long way, you can create a fantastic life with belief work. But that does not mean no other factors influence your experience.
Reality Creation and Manifestation – Frederick Dodson
I think this statement is basically correct. I do see that sometimes things that you believe in don’t work and this statement doesn’t really take those into account. There are times when that medicine that usually works doesn’t work for no explainable reason. So Fred’s thoughts I don’t believe one hundred percent.
In support of his statement, I can say that believing in something makes a huge difference. We see it over and over in the placebo effect from drug trials. Actually, the placebo effect in drug trials is becoming so strong that it is skewing results. The medical community is trying to figure out what to do about this. Belief matters a lot, but it isn’t everything. There are some things we just can’t stop. No matter how hard you try, you won’t stop the sun from rising and setting.
In contrast, some things exist even if you don’t believe in them. The world is roundish, sorry flat earther’s but it is true. The world isn’t hollow, although there are voids. Some things just are and don’t require your belief for them to be.
Where this principle really comes in handy is as you progress up the scale of energy. As you learn, you believe in things you once did not. The belief in some of these things is quite useful in manifestation. I think of it more like an advanced education. You learn in a regular school that the earth is round and people live and die. In advanced training, you learn that life isn’t only living and dying, and the earth is round, but there is much more to it than that.
Once you learn, really learn, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience things change, dramatically. Once you learn that the earth is alive and aware, things change, dramatically. With this knowledge, manifestation takes on a different level. Your ability to manifest is stronger because you are focusing more on the possible. What you manifest is different because the things that were important at one time, no longer are.
One of my points in making these posts is to help people raise their consciousness level. Most of the planet is living at a level below 200, many people below 100. The low energy frequencies I believe are contributing to our overall society being so crappy right now. If I can assist in raising someone’s consciousness level just a little, then I have helped the planet, and that is my goal. We all want to leave a legacy behind us. I want to leave one that is a higher frequency than it would have been had I not tried.