Let’s get this week’s horoscope started with the Moon moving into Gemini on June 8th at 12:55 pm CDT.
Moon Moves into Gemini
With the moon representing your emotional disposition and your intuition, and Gemini your curiosity and enthusiasm for mental stimulation, this transition will bring about a desire for understanding, clarification, and study. Gemini brings a desire to share this with others in personal conversations.
The backdrop for this is that the Moon is square to Jupiter. Jupiter brings benevolence and generosity along with contemplation. It promotes optimism and positive thinking. The square aspect can highlight growth and this being a second square of the entire transit makes the contemplation of progress come to the forefront.
Your attention might turn to curiosity and enthusiasm for things of a spiritual or deeply personal nature. You might contemplate personal or spiritual growth and wish to share this with those close to you. You may wish to have close friends visit, or go to see them now that our world is opening a little more to in-person contact.
Once again with Mercury being retrograde, it heightens the opportunity for misunderstandings and miscommunications. Be careful of reacting too quickly and watch for arrogance or rigidness in your views. Allow others to hold their views without judgment toward differences. This is especially true for those with a difficult Moon placement such as Moon in Scorpio.
Annular Solar Eclipse
On the 10th we have the annular solar eclipse. This is commonly known as the Annular Ring of Fire eclipse because the sun isn’t completely obscured. There is a ring showing around the edges.
This particular one won’t be visible to us here in Central Texas. The image below shows the path of the eclipse and the visibility range.
We also have Mercury conjunct the Sun and Moon during this eclipse and this all happens in the sign of Gemini.
A word about eclipses and horoscopes. It is often said that they are difficult times, but that is not necessarily so. If the eclipse has an aspect (specific angle) to a planet in your natal chart, it puts that planet in a high energy (activated) state, whether good or bad. So the difficulty of the eclipse depends on the positions of your natal planets.
The natal chart planet in this state is considered activated, but the energy is stored. This energy won’t be actualized until that planet is aspected later by another planet, typically Mars or the Sun. This later aspect is considered the trigger for the stored energy from the eclipse.
It would take a book to go through all the possible combinations of this. I am sure that books are available that explain this. I won’t be covering it here.
Since this eclipse happens with Mercury in conjunction, it would be logical to assume that those with Mercury prominently placed in their charts should look into how this might trigger later in the year.
With Mercury also retrograde I will once again suggest patience regarding communications with others. The 10th through the 12th has a high potential to be a time where communication with others is strongly desired, but can easily go awry.
This extends to your inner communication as well. Be aware that during this time your inner dialog might tend to be more critical, especially if your Mercury is in Pisces. If your Mercury is in Virgo you may have a difficult time shutting down your “monkey mind”. Your attention to detail may be over the top, and trap you into details that prevent the completion of projects.
The eclipse for the most part will be a time of renewed energy and physical vitality. Group efforts are highly favored because your sensitivity to other’s feelings are heightened. This could be a time of peace in your relationships as they might work more smoothly.
The annular eclipse is the New Year for your inner life. It is a good time to make personal changes. This is a time of the year where positive personal changes are “blessed” by the divine. So bring out those New Year’s resolutions and get started if you haven’t already. The heavens are bringing energy, vitality, and blessings to your movement toward becoming a more whole and integrated person.
Moon Moves into Cancer
On the 11th the Moon moves home to Cancer. This once again brings your focus inward supporting the journey begun with the eclipse.
This will help you keep your focus on your feelings, ideas, and desires. If your Moon is in Scorpio it might be best to keep these thoughts to yourself for a bit, even if the desire is to share. The close aspect of the Sun still remaining from the eclipse can make you a little extra sensitive if your ideas aren’t enthusiastically received.
At the same time, Mars moves into Leo and will stay there until July 30th. These two fiery elements together can make for some self-assertive bursts that might not be received as well as you hoped. Avoid overconfidence and your temptation to rule absolutely. Your move into a leadership role will be received in a much better light with a softer touch.
Sun Square Neptune
We finish up the week with the Sun square Neptune. This aspect has an influence that will last from the 6th to the 21st with the exact aspect on the 13th.
For some, this aspect can create low energy either physically or psychologically. If it affects you in that way, take a day off, do some self-care. This aspect can also stimulate your innate idealism which could produce some beautiful moments in your life.
If your Sun is in Libra or your Neptune in Virgo, you might be more susceptible to the low-energy aspects of this transit. Make plans now to do a little self-care. Make your favorite comfort food. Plan a spa day, or make time for a long bath with a good book. Whatever self-care means to you, the 13th is a good day to make time for it.
This horoscope applies to all sun signs, these planetary movements affect everyone in a similar fashion. Your particular chart might show an emphasis on one thing over another, but without doing a chart for each person that can’t really be determined accurately. This is for entertainment purposes only, no results are guaranteed, your mileage may vary, and any other necessary disclaimers to make my lawyer happy.
Hand, Robert. Planets in Transit, n.d.
Gillett, Roy. The Secret Language of Astrology, n.d.
Obert, Charles. Introduction to Traditional Natal Astrology: A Complete Working Guide for Modern Astrologers, n.d.
Barbault, Andre. Planetary Cycles Mundane Astrology, n.d.